When you're installing UNIVERSE, the following error appears in your UNIVERSE installer log file:
ERROR: 1925 – Failed due to insufficient privileges
This error means the Windows account you are using does not have administrator privileges.
To run the UNIVERSE installer, log in with an administrator account and try installing again.

ERROR: 1603 – Fatal error during installation
This error means UNIVERSE was not installed successfully.

Solution: Re-download and install UNIVERSE from an administrator account
Please refer to the following steps:
1.Log on to an account with administrator privileges
2. Uninstall UNIVERSE via
-> [Control Panel] > [Uninstall a program] > find UNIVERSE and click [Uninstall].

3. From the administrator account, download [UNIVERSE_Launcher].
4. From the administrator account, install [UNIVERSE_Launcher].
It will not show any error code and will have [UNIVERSE.exe] shortcut on your desktop.
5. Open the [UNIVERSE.exe] shortcut on your desktop and try again.