An all-new AI-powered Lesson Insights!
Better charts, more effective summaries and the ability to save extra learning materials make Lesson Insights better than ever!
What's new for Lesson Insights? Each report now contains:
- A summary of the 3 main learning objectives of the lesson
- List of students who struggled with the lesson and recommended exercises.
- Data visualizations of the entire class' performance.
Try it today!
1. Go to ClassSwift Hub - Start the ClassSwift app and select Class List.
In the Class Management section, click on ClassSwift Hub — this will automatically open the ClassSwift Hub web portal.
2. Choose a Lesson - Click on the "Lesson Insight" tab.
3. Select the lesson you want to generate a Lesson Insight report for.
4. Click on the "Lesson Insight" tab.
5. Enter grade level and subject and click "Generate" to produce the latest report.
(Reminder: Make good use of the 'AI-generated quizzes' feature, as it can effectively enhance the use of 'Lesson Insight.')
6. Receive your Lesson Insight Report⚡️
Let’s take a look at what’s included in the Lesson Insight report:
Other Updates:
Leaderboard: At the end of the lesson, teachers can instantly view the students’ score rankings based on their responses. Teachers can also click the "Class Hub" button on the right panel to access the teacher's dashboard for a detailed lesson summary.